Mission and Vision

That the neuro-legal sciences are available to all scientists (related to, forensic neuropsychiatry, forensic psychiatry, legal medicine, legal psychologists, criminologists, neurocriminologists, forensic psychologists, forensic neuropsychologists, criminal politicians, forensic neurophysicists, forensic neuroscientists, forensic neurobiologists, cognitive scientists, lawyers in general, future neuroabodes and specialists in criminal criminal sciences, psychologists, clinical neuropsychologists) at an international level, so that neuro-legal improvement is at the forefront in courtrooms at any order and legal level in the face of veracity of the scientific expert evidence, as well as criminal neuro-legal policies appropriate to the prevention and control of crime so that an adequate restorative therapy is also achieved within the prisons for the adequate mechanisms of criminal procedural law.
To be the first research and educational center at the international level that offers the postgraduate degree in neuro-legal sciences with the unique program that in turn accredits the specialty in laboratory in scientific computing in forensic neurophysics to various fields of application, which is required in neuro-legal sciences.
Lines of strategies:
Strengthen ties and academic agreements as well as the research center in the multiple dimensions of the neuro-legal sciences with the most representative associations at an international level.
IFNLS policy:
Every 3 years the management structure is changed as well as the presidency.